Your energetic vibration and emotions are intricately connected – and they determine how you experience the world. You can choose higher vibrational energy to have better experiences! Click HERE to listen right now on iTunes! You can also listen below. The biggest takeaways from this episode: What energetic vibration is and how it affects us. […]
How to intentionally develop self-worth and teach others to treat you well with how you treat yourself. The importance of understanding that no one is going to value you more than you value yourself. Click HERE to listen right now on iTunes! You can also listen below. The biggest takeaways from this episode: Self-worth is […]
The power to say what you want to say, when you want to say it – these three simple phrases can help make your whole life more the way you want it to be! Click HERE to listen right now on iTunes! The biggest takeaways from this episode: How simple phrases can set limits politely […]
All the choices you make either bring you closer to your ideal life or keep you from it. You may have to go through difficult things to get there, endure setbacks, and you may even have to face dragons. Here are the biggest takeaways from this episode: How the “whispers” can help you dream up […]
Trying to appear “perfect” might feel safer, but being vulnerable and showing your whole self – and not caring what other people think – will actually draw other people closer to you. It’s true! Here are the biggest takeaways from this episode: The role of a little bit of “ugly” (i.e. being vulnerable) in genuine […]
This episode is about making a choice regarding all the ways you present yourself. This includes your interactions with others. You have the power to decide how you want to be known. The legacy you create starts by first making a choice about how you want to feel inside. Here are the biggest takeaways from […]
Whatever makes you feel good is what you should reach for, when it comes to your personal style choices. Even a difficult time can be made better if you find a way to raise your emotional state with your style choices. Here are the biggest takeaways from this episode: The power you have over your […]
We all seem to complain about not getting good sleep. By the end of the day, we’re tired, achy, worn out and just need to rest – but we can’t sleep. Here are some ideas to help! Here are the biggest takeaways from this episode: Why sleep is EXTREMELY important to your happiness What happens […]
There have been the obvious benefits of adding bookend routines to my days – I’m actually doing what I want to do for myself! But, in addition to these things, I’ve experienced three specific benefits that have been a really pleasant surprise! Here are the biggest takeaways from this episode: How bookend routines […]