annie kip

coaching & strategy

One-on-one coaching and strategy to BUILD a personal brand that LEVERAGES all of who you are.

the integrated

clarity  |  calm  |  confidence

do the work you love,
on your own terms

apply for coaching

You've been willing to do whatever it takes

You hoped that this level of success would give you the spaciousness you were craving - to think and create and feel confidently at-ease.

You knew being a leader wouldn't always be easy, but you've always been willing to bet on yourself.

You feel deeply and want to understand yourself - because you care about your impact. 

You actually want to do the right thing and you put more pressure on yourself than anyone else ever could,

You'd absolutely work for free if you could, but you know you need to make a viable income, so here you are, trying to navigate capitalism.

Reaching this level of success was supposed to make you feel empowered and free, but this doesn’t feel like liberation - in fact, sometimes it's exhausting.

You’re really good at what you do and your clients love you, but you want to be seen in an even bigger way.

You take on more work because you're more than capable, but you're frustrated because you aren't showing the depth and breadth of what you're really capable of.

Everyone thinks you've got it nailed, but inside you know there's more you want to do but you aren't totally sure of your next step and sometimes wonder if what you want for yourself is even possible.

...and some days, it's hard to get down to work and focus because your inner critic is hammering you with the meanest comments and just won't. shut. up.


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this is possible for you too.

I understand what it's like because I've lived it.

I know how mortifying it is to reach a level of expertise - only to fumble over your words when somebody askes you about your work.

I know what it's like to start off doing what you love - and working so hard to meet other people's expectations, that your work starts to lose it's spark.

I'm well-aquainted with that inner critic who says you'll never be able to be yourself and also have the business and lifestyle you want.

I know what it means to build a personal brand - both as an employee in a big corporation and as a business-owner.

My current work as a coach allows me to combine everything I've learned over the years - about business, entrepreneurship, positioning, branding, and marketing - and share a unique point of view with my clients.

My clients leverage their life experiences and expertise to build personal brands that convey their authority and expertise with confidence and ease.

You know you have the expertise and passion you need.

You KNOW YOU WILL FIND A WAY to figure this out.




this is why I created...

because you're confident in what you offer and can easily explain your work.

because you finally started listening to yourself and valuing your own ideas and way of working.

because you're finally charging enough for the work you do.

because you're in demand, your business is growing, and you know being picky protects you from burning out.

because you're showing up as yourself and people can finally get to know you and connect with you.

because your days are in sync with your natural rhythms and you've set yourself up to do the work you really enjoy, on your own terms.

here's how your life can look

the integrated ENTREPRENEUR

clarity  |  calm  |  confidence

One-on-one coaching and strategy to BUILD a personal brand and business that leverages all of who you are.

let's get started

do the work you love,
on your own terms

apply for coaching

One-On-One Coaching & Strategy, 45-minunte phone sessions to give you the focused support and guidance you need to get clarity, understand yourself, and build momentum.

Strategic Visioning to develop and define your goals, so you can focus on getting the results you want for yourself.

Weekly Inspired Action Assignments so you can
stay accountable and accomplish your goals.

Access to Check-Ins between coaching sessions so you get the support you need as you take action.

here's what working together looks like

scheduled weekly or bi-weekly

CLARITY - Get to know yourself, the way you work best, and leverage your unique life experiences to convey your authority. From this we define your personal brand and unique positioning, which makes every other part of your business easier to build.

CALM - Identify the routines and systems that will support you and make your business run smoothly. When you have done the up front work to establish processes, automations, and standard operating procedures for each part of your business, you can relax and not think about them (much!) anymore.

CONFIDENCE - Show up in the world, market yourself, and convey your authority. You can share your work and make real connections in a way that is genuine and easeful.

These are the basic components of the coaching and strategy work we do together

how we work

"Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom."
- aristotle

give yourself the gift of confidence and ease

Most of us start out trying to learn the success "secrets" that have worked for other business owners, and eventually find ourselves frustrated and defeated when nothing feels like the right fit.


You are the expert on yourself and your work. Clearly articulating and confidently owning your unique life experiences allows you to relax and just be yourself. You'll convey your authority, without bragging or feeling cringy.

Coaching is the container within which you will learn how listen to your own secrets and become confident in your own best way to run your business. 

The components of CLARITY, CALM, and CONFIDENCE naturally build on each other, but we'll work at your pace and follow the path of creating your business that makes the most sense to you.

We will work on your business, but you will also do personal work all along the way. The impact of this work will be felt in all areas of your life. 

When you do this work, the deep shifts that you make empower you and bring changes that stick. You'll discover the unconscious beliefs that have kept you locked in exhausting patterns. You'll recognize and manage thinking that doesn't serve you. 

You can feel clear, calm, and confident about yourself, your personal brand, and your business. 

it's time to listen to yourself

ENOUGH WITH following the herd AND blending in with everyone else

Do you have questions about whether my coaching is right for you?

When you click below, you'll be directed to an application for coaching that I will review prior to our conversation. If it seems like we might be a good fit for working together, I will reach out to set up a time to talk. We'll discuss what's working in your business and what's not. We'll explore what you want for yourself and start to identify roadblocks that might be in your way. 

We'll get to know each other a bit and I will also answer any questions you might have about coaching together.

This is a no-pressure zone and not a sales call. I only work with clients who I believe are ready to do this work, so we will decide together if coaching makes sense.

you can do the work you love, on your own terms

Apply for coaching

"I needed clarity on my niche and what type of service I would offer and I was struggling with fears about moving forward with my business.

Annie helped me to see clearly from the perspective of possibility and harness my strengths to propel me forward in developing my business. I feel lighter and unburdened by my fears and I am much more confident about how to bring my best self to my business now.

Before our first session, I was nervous about sharing my challenges, so I especially appreciated Annie's open, kind, non-judgmental, down-to-earth style.

If I hadn't worked with Annie, I would be feeling stuck in indecision and still held back by my fear rather than taking steps forward in my business with an empowered mindset."

Relationship Coach

what clients say...

"Before working together I felt confused and needed clarity about my business. I had been struggling with how to make people see the value on my services, and I was frustrated.

Annie was able to help me clarify and understand SO much immediately. I felt like we put together a big puzzle in such a short period of time. Annie made it easy for me to see exactly how and where I need to take action.

Now I know what I need to implement, especially how to communicate what I do so people can see the value of my services."

Emotional Healer and Yoga Instructor 

what clients say...

what clients say...

Chief Badass

"I was having a hard time
balancing everything in my life and I wanted to enjoy my work more.

From working with Annie, I
saw new possibilities and was able to call upon my own unique abilities and
internal strength to move in a productive direction.

As a result of working with Annie, I definitely have more joy in my life, I've gotten more clients, and
I have a more successful business."

"I wanted to build confidence and structure around starting my own business, while still working full time in the tech industry. 

Through coaching with Annie, I had a shift in perspective and am far more aware of what had been holding me back.

I've seen my motivation and confidence increase and I've gained the resources I need to overcome set-backs and challenges."

Recruiting and Operations Manager
Global Tech Company

what clients say...

Certified Financial Planner
Founding Partner, Plum Street Advisors, LLC

"Annie really helped me see how my work was being witnessed from my client's perspective and how I could make small adjustments to make myself more accessible to a broader audience." 

what clients say...

"There was a mismatch between how I presented myself and how I actually came across. I used to feel like if I dressed nicely and presented myself in a well-put-together way, I was an imposter.

After working with Annie, I'm now able to integrate my "polished presentation" into my natural identity.

Annie helped me convey my self-worth through the way I talked, my clothing, and other elements of my appearance so I could bridge the gap between my inner confidence and outer presentation."


what clients say...

take the first step

You can build a personal brand and business that leverages all of who you are.

What I really want for you is to experience the freedom that you thought working for yourself would give you.

If you’re ready to finally create a business that lets you do the work you love, on your own terms, then I’m ready to support you in making that happen.

got questions? i've got answers! 

click here

Q: I’m not earning what I want yet, so I’m definitely on a budget. Can I really afford this?
A: Of course, this is completely up to you. The cost of coaching with me starts around $3000 for a 3-month engagement. While coaching certainly is an investment to consider seriously, I suspect that continuing to feel frustrated and stuck may be doing damage that may be costing you more. (You can also ask me about a payment plan.) The work you do in coaching will allow you to gain the clarity and inner confidence you need to move ahead with your business. 

Q: I’ve got a lot on my plate right now. How much time will it take to complete the program each week?
A: THE INTEGRATED ENTREPRENEUR is designed for business owners like you. Our weekly coaching sessions are 45 minutes and you’ll be working on your action items between sessions at your own pace, during your everyday life. We learn from what happened during the week, no matter what you do or don't do. Many of my clients have been working long hours, trying to figure their business out on their own. Our work together is aimed at creating the business you've always dreamed of, without having to do more. 

Q: My confidence is low because I've been struggling with depression. Should I do therapy instead?
Coaching is not a replacement for therapy, but these two modalities can work together nicely. Typically, therapy takes longer and helps you understand yourself by figuring out the root causes of your difficulties. In contrast, THE INTEGRATED ENTREPRENEUR is focused on your future and where you're headed with your business - and we are focused on taking immediate action. Both coaching and therapy can be helpful, but only you can decide what is best for you. 

Q: My partner and I make decisions together. How can I explain what is different about this program?
A: THE INTEGRATED ENTREPRENEUR is individualized business coaching and strategy to help you gain clarity, build trust in yourself, and create momentum that moves your business forward. We will discover what is unique about you - the way you like to work and the work you actually enjoy doing - and integrate what we learn into your business.

My approach to coaching combines personal development with professional development. My background working for Nike and Ralph Lauren enable me to bring a unique set of skills and perspective to our work together - including strategic branding and positioning, effective communication, personal presence, and leadership development.

You'll be working on yourself, while you work on your business. When you do this work, the deep shifts that you make are empowering and bring changes that stick. You'll discover the unconscious beliefs that have kept you locked in exhausting patterns. You'll let go of thinking that doesn't serve you. The things you learn about yourself will have a huge impact on your business, but also in your whole life. 

Q: Why is your coaching and strategy available in a 3 or 6 month engagement?
A: We work in blocks to give structure to our work. Having a specific amount of time for our work helps your stay accountable and on track. At the beginning of each engagement, you set intentions and at the end of that time, we reflect on what you've accomplished, we do some completion work to lock in what you want to take away, celebrate the work you've done, and then set new intentions to hit your next level of growth over the next 3 months. Clients who are dedicated to their continued personal and business growth have the option of choosing to continue working together with additonal engagements or participate in group options I offer exclusively to on-going clients.

Q: Is it possible to work every other week, rather than every week?
A: If that pace works better for you, yes, of course we can do that. I do suggest that you experiement and we see which length of time is the most effective for you. I have found that weekly sessions create optimal momentum for this work and allow us to dig into issues as they arise. Our work together is in service of you and your business, so we will defer to your judgement about what works best. 

Q: Do you offer payment plans?
A: Yes, the engagement fee may be split into 2 or 3 payments, with the first payment made at registration and the subsequent payments automatically charged to your credit card. Feel free to ask me about this when we chat!

frequently asked questions